

Social Media Marketing (SEC) SEM - IV Chapter Wise Notes


Unit 1


Introduction to Social Media Marketing:


Social Media Marketing- Concept and Importance.


Social Media Platforms- Online communities and Forums; Blogs and Microblogs, Social


Networks, other contemporary social media platforms: Goals, Role in Marketing and Use as listening

tools. Trends in SMM. Social Media Influencers.


Unit 2


Social media marketing Plan and Performance Measurement:


SMM Plan- Setting Goals, Determining Strategies, Identifying Target Market, Selecting Tools, Selecting Platforms, Implementation: Measuring Effectiveness - Conversion rate, amplification rate, applause rate: on page and on post level.

Unit 3


Content Creation and Sharing using Case Campaigns



Blogging, Streaming Video and Podcasting: Criteria and approach-70/20/10 with risk variants, 50-50 content, Brand Mnemonic, Brand story. Contextualising content creation. Social Media Ethics.


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