

Personality Development and Communication (SEC) SEM - IV Chapter Wise Notes


Unit 1


Introduction, need for Communication, Process of Communication, Written and Verbal Communication, Visual communication, Signs, Signals and Symbols, Silence as a Mode of Communication, Inter cultural, Intra-cultural, Cross-cultural and International communication, Communication through Questionnaires, Business Letter Writing, Electronic Communication.

Unit 2


Business Cases and Presentations, Letters within the Organizations, Letters from Top Management, Circulars and Memos, Business Presentations to Customers and other stakeholders, presenting a Positive Image through Verbal and Non-verbal Cues, Preparing and Delivering the Presentations, Use of Audio-visual Aids, Report Writing.

Unit 3


Barriers to Communication, Improving Communication Skills, Preparation of Promotional Material, Non-verbal communication, Body language, Postures and gestures, Value of time, Organizational body language, Importance of Listening, Emotional Intelligence. Working individually and in a team, Leadership skills, Leadership Lessons, Team work and Team building, Feedback, Feed forward Interpersonal skills – Delegation, Humour, Trust, Expectations, Values, Status, Compatibility and their role in building team – work Conflict Management – Types of conflicts, how to cope with conflict.


Unit 4


Negotiation Skills, Types of Negotiation, Negotiation Strategies, Selling skills – Selling to customers, Selling to Superiors Selling to peer groups, team mates and subordinates, Conceptual selling, Strategic selling, Selling skills – Body language.


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