Unit 1


Introduction to Management


Principles of management - concept, nature and significance; Evolution of Management thought: Classical (Fayol’s principles of management; Taylor’s scientific management), Neo classical (Hawthorne Experiments), Modern approach (Systems Approach; Contingency Approach).

Unit 2


Functions of Management


Management functions and their relationship- planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling; Functional areas of management – an overview; Coordination - concept, characteristics and importance.

Unit 3


Planning and Organising


Planning- meaning, strategic and operations planning; Decision-making- concept, importance and bounded rationality; Organizing- division of labour & specialization; Organisational structures; Factors affecting organisational design.


Unit 4


Directing and Staffing

Directing- concept and importance; Concept and theories of Motivation- Maslow’s need hierarchy, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Theory X&Y; Leadership-meaning and importance; Communication- meaning and importance; Staffing- concept, importance and process.

Unit 5


Controlling and Contemporary Issues in Management

Principles of Controlling, performing controlling function; Management challenges of the 21st Century; Factors reshaping and redesigning management purpose, performance and reward perceptions- internationalisation; Digitalisation; Entrepreneurship & innovation; Workplace Diversity

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