Fundamentals Of Buddhist Philosophy (GE) SEM - IV Chapter Wise Notes


Unit: I


Introduction to Buddhism


  • Basic concepts of Buddhism


  • The development of Theravada Buddhism


  • Historical context and cultural background


  • The role of Buddhism in ancient India

Unit: II


Life of Buddha


  • The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight fold Path Buddhism- General Introduction


  • with emphasis on Four Noble Truths Pratityasamutpadvad.

Unit: III


Buddhist Philosophy


  • The nature of reality- Shunyavada; Kshanabhangvaad,


  • Theory of Existence


  • The concept of karma and rebirth


Unit: IV


Buddhist Ethics


  • Five Precepts


  • Practice of meditation


  • Role of compassion and wisdom in Buddhist ethics


  • Role of Buddhism in socialju_stice movements and Environmentalism.


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