EDUCATION Human Learning, Cognition and Schooling ( DSC ) SEM - II Chapter Wise Notes


Unit 1

Understanding Thinking, Learning and Cognition

  • Key cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, language and problem solving
  • Factors affecting thinking and learning: personal, socio-cultural, media and technology
  • Understanding children’s’ thinking and learning with reference to diverse sociocultural Contexts

Unit 2

Theoretical Perspectives in Thinking, Learning and Cognition

  • Learning and cognition as processes of adaptation and interaction with the environment, situated in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
  • Observational learning as explained in the social cognitive theory of Bandura
  • Learning as conceptualized in the information processing approach
  • Learning as a social process of knowledge construction as discussed by Vygotsky
  • Learning as a process associated with the uniqueness of the individual and evolution of self as proposed by Carl Rogers

Unit 3

Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Learning Processes

  • Concept of diversity and inclusion and associated practices with reference to learning and cognition
  • Uniqueness of children and adolescents in terms of intelligence, creativity and motivation
  • Children with special needs: issues, challenges and possibilities

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