Education : Basic Concept and Ideas in Education Chapter Wise Notes




Basic Ideas in Education

  • Education: Its meaning processes, purpose and aims; its liberal and interdisciplinary nature.
  • Major concepts in Education: Schooling and Education, Teaching, Training, Learning, Indoctrination, and Propaganda.
  • Epistemological basis of education: Knowledge, Belief, Inquiry, Reason
  • Ethics, values and ideals


Unit 2

Understanding Education and Society

  • Education and Socialisation: Agencies of Socialisation-Home, Family, Community, School and Media.
  • Culture and Education: Role of education in preservation, transformation, and promotion of Culture; culture and ideology.
  • Constitutional Values: Equality, Freedom, Justice, Secularism, Human Rights
  • Bases for formulating Aims of Education: With reference to the constitution and other socio-cultural forces in India.

Unit 3

Thinkers in Education

Each thinker is to be studied with reference to their perspectives on education.

  • Sri Aurobindo
  • J. Krishnamurti
  • John Dewey
  • J.J. Rousseau
  • Paulo Freire

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