Commerce : Basics Of Organisation Behaviour (GE) SEM - IV Chapter Wise Notes


Unit 1



Introduction to organisational studies, importance of organisations, relationship between management and organizing function, emergence and development of Organisation Behaviour, Organisational Behaviour in changing times.

Unit 2


Individual Behaviour


Individual characteristics - Inherited characteristics vs. learned characteristics; Personalityconcept and types; Components of Attitude, organisational commitmentand job satisfaction as work attitude; Sources and types of values; role of values and beliefs in the making of an individual.

Unit 3


Communication and Motivation


Communication - concept, process and types, essentials of effective communication; Johari Window.


Why people work - Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, monetary and non-monetary incentives, contemporary motivation practices.


Unit 4


Group Behaviour and Leadership


Importance of groups, groups vs. teams;


Leadership - trait theory, nature vs. nurture leadership; difference between a leader and a manager; Leadership styles (Likert) - exploitative, benevolent, consultative, and participative; making of great leaders, contemporary leadership practices.




Unit 5: Organisational Dynamics

Organisation as a system; organisational structure, relationship between organisation structure, system, and strategy; Managing conflict - reasons, types and resolutions; Managing stress.


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