Business Communication (SEC) SEM - III Chapter Wise Notes



Unit 1

Introduction to the essentials of Business Communication 

Meaning, process and functions. Need and importance. Medium: verbal & non-verbal communication. Channels: formal & informal. Levels of communication. Direction of communication: downward, upward, lateral, & diagonal. Effective communication: difficulties/barriers and solutions. Interactive and non-interactive techniques of communication. Listening as a tool of communication, Guidelines for effective listening.


Unit 2

Effective Writing

Guidelines for clear writing. References, bibliographical research tools. Citing methods, footnotes, discussion footnotes. Use of library and internet for collection, classification and interpretation of data and information.


Unit 3

 Report Writing

Types of reports.Formal report: components and purpose. Organising information: outlining & numbering sections, section headings, sub headings, & presentation.Writing reports on field work/visits to industries, business concerns. Summarising annual reports of companies: purpose, structure and principles. Drafting minutes.



Unit 4

Business Correspondence and E- Correspondence 

Need and importance of business letters. Office memorandum, office circulars, notices and orders. Technology for communication. Effective IT communication tools. Electronic mail: advantages, safety and smartness in email. E-mail étiquettes.




Unit 5

Spoken English and Oral Presentation

Effective negotiation: elements, process and general guidelines. Telephonic conversation. Conducting & facing interviews. Conducting & participating in group decisions. Making presentations: content and organising. Features of a good presentation. Delivering a presentation.


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