Skills- enhancement- course- Unit- 2 ( Study Skills ) Reflective Learning- Semester-IV

Today Topic- Skills- enhancement- course- Unit- 2 ( Study Skills ) Reflective Learning Semester-IV  B.A-Subject- Sol / Regular / Ncweb / Others

LESSON 2: Study Skills: Note Taking, Critical Reading, Mnemonics  

skills-enhancement- course-unit- 2- study skills-reflective learning

Q. What is the role of a critical reader?

  • What the text says , after critically reading a peace you should be 
  • able to take notes and paraphrase the essential ideas in your own words 
  • What the text describes you should be confident that you understand that text well enough to use your own examples 
  • Interpretation of the text this means that you should be able to completely analyse the text as a whole.

Q. What are the note taking skills?

  • Taking notes at appropriate time .
  • Taking notes on definition and examples. 
  • Taking notes on assignment and test .
  • making paraphrase notes Using abbreviations and symbols .
  • Writing readable notes Maintaining alertness at the end of class. 
  • Labelling and dating note .
  • Revising  notes after class .
  • Periodically reviewing notes.

Q. What does it take to be a critical reader? 

  • Prepare to become part of the writer's audience. 
  • Prepare to read with an open mind. 
  • consider the title Read slowly. 
  • Use a dictionary and other relevant reference materials 
  • Make notes.

Q. SQR3 what does it stand for?

  1. Survey
  2. Question 
  3. Read 
  4. Recall 
  5. Review

Q. What is the KWL reading strategy?

  • The letter k stand for know 
  • The letter w stand for want to know
  • The letter l stand for learned

Q. What are the Mnemonics strategy’s ?

  1. Keyword mnemonics 
  2. Page word rhyme mnemonics
  3. Acronym mnemonics
  4. Acrostic letter sentence mnemonic
  5. Combination mnemonics

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