Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 2 ( Linguistic concepts )

Today Topic- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 2 ( Linguistic concepts ) Semester- 3/4

Subject- Sol/ Du / Regular / Ncweb 

Q. What do you understand by Syntax ?

  • Syntax can simply be defined linguistically as the study of sentences and their structures just a morphology is the study of words and their structures.
  • Syntax occupied central positive in this study of generative grammar which is 
  • an abstract body of rules and principles that tells us how the words phrases 
  • and sentence of a language constructed.

Q. Explain the differences between code mixing and code switching ? 

  • Code Switching refers to a situation when we switch between two languages or two dialects) it may happen when you are talking to your family members in your mother tongue and at the same time talking to your friend in English.
  • Code Mixing on the other hand, is a linguistic situation where a person mixes two languages in a single sentence/message.
  • For example, "Sorry yaar. Kuch important kaam aa gaya hai. 
  • Main aaj shopping ke liye nahin aa paaunga."
  • Syntax the study of underlying structures of sentences. 
  • Semantics the study of the meaning of words and how words combine 
  • To form the meanings of sentences 
  • Pragmatics the study of how utterances are used in communicative 
  • acts, and the role played by context and non linguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning
  • Discourse analysis the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, 
  • written, or signed)

Q. What are the different sub-fields of linguistics ?

  • Linguistics means the study of language. 
  • There are different sub-fields of linguistics which tries to structurally figure out the ways, language is manifested by us in our use of it. 
  • The different sub-fields include :–

Phonetics,  the study of the physical properties of speech (or signed) production and perception. 

Phonology- the study of sounds (or signs) as discrete, abstract elements 
in the speaker's mind that distinguish meaning. 

Morphology- the study of internal structures of words and how they can 
be modified .

Syntax- the study of underlying structures of sentences. 

Semantics- the study of the meaning of words and how words combine 
To form the meanings of sentences 

Pragmatics- the study of how utterances are used in communicative 
acts, and the role played by context and non linguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning

Discourse analysis- the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, 
written, or signed)

Q. What are the three organs of speech and their speech functions ?

The organs of speech and their speech functions can be described with reference to three systems :-

  • The Respiratory system
  • The Phonatory system
  • The Articulatory system.

Respiratory system :-

  • The organs of speech of which the respiratory system is comprised are the lungs, the muscles of the chest and the windpipe (also known as trachea).
  • The function of the respiratory system is to let the air pass through the 
  • windpipe (trachea) towards the glottis so that it produces sounds.

articulatory system:-

  • All of the body parts that we use to produce speech sounds are called the articulatory system.

The Phonatory System 

  • of human beings consists of the Larynx in the throat. When the air comes out of the lungs it is modified in the upper part of the trachea where the larynx is situated.

Based on the opening of the vocal cords we can primarily talk about three important kinds of sounds that are produced :–

  • Voiceless sounds
  • Voiced Sounds
  • Glottal stop.
    When the vocal cords are spread apart, the air from the lungs pass 
    between them unimpeded, the sounds produced are described as voiceless sounds. Examples are sounds in English-Sit, Sheet, Fever, Think.
  • When the vocal cords are loosely held together, the air passes through it causing vibration in the vocal cords.
  • such as veil, these, zoo, me, nose are all voiced sounds.
  • When the vocal cords are tightly held together so that no air can escape from it and then the vocal cords are suddenly drawn apart, an explosive sound is created which is known as glottal stop.

Q. Define the variety of language ?

Language variety :-
Standard language

READ MORE- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 1

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