Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 3 ( The process of translation )

Today Topic- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 3 ( The process of translation ) Semester- 3/4

Subject- Sol/ Du / Regular / Ncweb 

skill enhancement course translation studies unit- 3-The process of translation

Q. Explain the steps involved in the process of translation ?

Three stage  system of translation :-

1. Analysis :-

The first role of a translator is to be a good reader. The first step is crucial to translation as translation is not always done word for word. A Careful analysis would involve looking at multiple aspects of the source text. 


2. Transfer :

As the translator is done with the first step the second stage of Transfer comes to being, where the translator needs to find the equivalence between the language of the Source text to that of the target language. The process of transferring a message requires a clear understanding of the fact that no two languages are the same grammatically or otherwise, and, each language conveys a different meaning through its unique structures.

3. Restructuring :

Restructuring is the final step of the process of translation which depends most on finding the most suitable equivalent in the TL. Restructuring is affected by cultural characteristics of the SL and TL, the grammatical structures and vocabulary of the two languages, as well as the varying intent and method of the author versus that of the translator.

Q. Differentiate between for equivalence and dynamic equivalence. 

Formal Equivalence :- 

"Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content... One is concerned that the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language. While the translator is trying to find formal equivalence, what he or she is doing is to closely follow the form, content and structure of the source text.

Dynamic Equivalence:- 

Dynamic, or functional equivalence is based on what Nida calls 'the principle of equivalent effect', where 'the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message. In case of Dynamic Equivalence, the translator focuses more on the culture and linguistic expressions of the target language and translates accordingly

READ MORE- Translation Studies Unit- 2 ( Linguistic concepts )

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