Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 1 ( Translation An introduction )

Today Topic- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Translation Studies Unit- 1 ( Translation An introduction ) Semester- 3/4

Subject- Sol/ Du / Regular / Ncweb 

skill enhancement course sec translation studies unit- 1- translation an introduction

Q. Explain briefly the concept of translation.

  • Translation is primarily of process of communication in which thought and idea is convert from the language it is originally expressed in which is called the source of language into all language comprehensive (SL) the intended target audience which is called target language (TL).
  • Translation has widely popular activity and professional across the world and the discipline of translation studies has gained much appreciation and attention in recent & because of the globalisation of the world.
  • In simple transit can be said that translate is to meaningful convey auto carry across a message from one language to another.
  • Equivalence translation is an activity which involves substitute in messages in one language not for separated code units.
  • but for entire messages in some other language in other words the code units and their meaning have to transferred from source language to target language .
  • Hence it can be said that translation involves to equivalent message into different quotes.

Q. Write the short note on Adaptation.

  • The term adaptation can be raised for its origin in the early 70th century Latin word "adaptare" which means to fit in.
  • According to Linda Hutcheon the first perspective which needs to be discussed regarding the concept of adaptation is it being seen as a formal entity or product... An adoption is an announced and 
  • extensive transportation of a particular work or works.
  • Secondly she sees Adaptation as a process of creation. Adaptation is a form of intertextuality.

Q. Write the short note on transcreation.

  • Transcreation is effectively the art of adapting a text into another language the idea of modifying retailing or reworking a text in the same language as that of the source have been in currency since 
  • Times immemorial. 
  • In the globalize world trans creation is popularly used in the field of mass media in advertisements website posters and brochures.
  • It permits audio visual medium as well.

Q. Explain the term interpretating.

  • Interpretating is an act similar to translation as an interpreter translate the content and the context of a speech or text keeping in view the paralinguistic element from the source language to the target language instantaneously while a speaker is speaking 
  • An interpreter is required during a communication process only when the listener and speakers do not share a common language to communicate between themselves.

Q. What is the difference between Translation and interpreting ?

  • Translation and interpreting there are vast difference between them:-
  • A translator has the convenience of time in the sense that the translator can do his or her job according to his or her own time and pace where as the interpreter has two render his or her job instantaneously.
  • A translator does not have to deal with the listeners directly so even if he or she does not possess great enter personal skills it does not matter part an interpreter needs to possess optimum interpersonal skill as without them he or she will not to able to deal with the speaker and the listener
  • Foreign original piece of work there can be many translation and their for readers can choose which version of the translation they may choose to read but in case of interpretation it does not happen as different version of interpretations are not available at the same 
  • time.

Q. Explain interpreting and its different kinds ?

Kind of interpreting :-

Consecutive interpreting: Happens when the interpreter interprets the message of speech of the speaker immediately after the speaker has finished delivering his or her speech.

Simultaneous interpreting: the interpreter render the message spoken by the speaker as he or she  is speaking. In most cases the interpreter sits in sound proof room or both.

Simultaneous interpreting is a mode of interpreting in which the speaker makes a speech and the interpreter reformulates the speech into a language his audience understands at the same time (or simultaneously).

Q. What are the other significant ways of interpreting ?

Relay: when interpretation happens between two languages via third language it is called a relay.

Retour: mostly it is the norm that the interpreters interpret the message to their mother tongue but when it happens the other way round that is the interpreter is rendering the message in his second language than it is call a retour.

Whispering it is also a form of simultaneous interpretation where the interpreter renders the message directly into the ears of the listener in whisper. 

Sign language interpreting sign language is significant for all of us and all of us simple sign at every point of time in our communication but the deaf people Communicate only through silent language and the language of the deaf is not known to all of us.

Q. Who can be an interpreter?

  • Even though there are various kinds of interpretations that are being done according to the need of the time and circumstances, it is to be kept in mind that the act of Interpretation cannot be done by anyone and everyone. One can be bilingual, but that does not make him or her an Interpreter. To be an Interpreter, one needs to be specially equipped. 
  • but at the same time, it is true that none of us are equally equipped in two languages. As mentioned earlier, an Interpreter usually interprets in his or her mother tongue in most cases, as it is easier to interpret instantaneously to one's mother tongue. But in some cases, it can also happen the other way around.

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