Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 5 ( Some significant issues of mass communication )

Today Topic- Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 5 ( Some significant issues of mass communication ) SEMESTER -VI

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media and communication skills- unit- 5- some significant issues of mass communication

Q. Write the short note on Right to Freedom. 

  • As Indian citizens, we are governed by the Constitution of India, which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950. 
  • The Constitution has no separate provision for the freedom of the press or the media, 

Article 19 (i) of the Indian Constitution:  Right to Freedom

All citizens will have the right-

(a) to freedom of speech and expression;

(b) to assemble peaceably and without arms;

(c) to form associations or unions;

(d) to move freely throughout the territory of India;

(e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;

(g) to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.

Q. Define Right to information act.

  • The Right to Information is one of the basic human rights in a democratic society and is indispensable for free flow of information .
  • A demand for the right to information gained momentum in India in the last three decades as it was not only necessary for the proper functioning of the democracy, but also for much-needed transparency in the system and for removing corruption from public life.
  • The Right to Information Act was introduced in the Parliament in July 2000 and finally the right to Information Act was enacted in October 2005. It came into effect on 12th October 2005.
  • The Right to Information Act provides for citizens' access to information which is under the control of public authorities Right to Information is essential for the media as it gives the information (barring some which are official secrets for various reasons) that can be published to keep the citizens informed about the workings of the public authority.

Q. What are the Basic Duties of a Press Council ?

The main duties of a press council are :- 

  • To accept complaints; 
  • To verify that they (complaints) fall within the remit of the code of ethics; 
  • To review them (complaints) thoroughly from each angle;
  • To serve as mediator between the complainant and the media;
  • To take decisions on complaints based on rules and regulations with fairness; 
  • To single out the media for breaching ethics guidelines;
  • To secure transparency and publicity of all decisions taken;
  • To analyse and comment on media trends and provide guidance about the code’s requirements;
  • To suggest amendments to the code of ethics (if mandated to do so);
  • To set journalistic professional standards;
  • To defend press freedom.

Q. What is the objective of the copyright act 1957?

  • The objective of the Copyright Act is to safeguard the interests of the writer or the creator of a work of art, literature, etc.
  • the Copyright act does not authorize the doing of any of the following acts, namely 
  • To reproduce the work in any material form 
  • To publish the work
  • To perform the work in public 
  • To produce, reproduce, perform or publish any translation of the work.
  • To make any cinematograph film or a record in respect of the work 
  • To communicate the work by radio transmission or to communicate To the public by loudspeaker or any other similar instrument the radio-transmission of the work.
  • To do in relation to a translation or an adaptation of the work any of the acts specified in relation 
  • To the work in the first four clauses.

Q. Write the brief history of print media in India .

A brief history of print media in India :-

  • The evolution of Newspapers in India is with the introduction of Bengal Gazette started by James Augustus Hicky in 1780 from Calcutta.
  • Very soon other Newspapers such as Calcutta Chronicle, etc. Newspapers in Hindi and other regional languages also started flourishing in the various parts of the nation.
  • Bengal was the birthplace of Journalism in India and the language press. 'Samachar Darpan' was the first Indian language Newspaper which was a Bengali weekly newspaper.
  • The Statesman (1875) and The Hindu (1878)the history of Journalism in India Is inseparably linked with the development of social awareness, nationalConsciousness and the progress of freedom movement.

  • Also, the Newspapers like Kesari, Pratap, Maratha, Yugantar etc. brought revolution in the Hindi Journalism of India Even the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, called the Newspapers a tool of national reconstruction and social reformation.

  • Indian Print Media is the largest Print Media and Newspaper market in the world with over 100 million copies sold each day and is over 230 years old. Indian printing houses print maximum Daily Newspapers than any other country in Asia.

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