Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 4 ( Writing for the media ) SEMESTER -VI
Subject- Sol / Regular / Ncweb / Others
Q. Which are the 5W and 1H that readers or the Viewers look Forword in any news Items?
Ans.The 5W and 1H questions are - Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
- Who - denotes the people who are related to the concerned news story what - refers to the major action or event of the news story
- When- refers to the time that the event or the action has happened that the news story is concerned with
- Where- refers to the place of the action or the event
- Why- refers to the explanation why it happened
- How- the way things have progressed during the incident or event.
Q. What are the news writing style?
- The inverted pyramid style
- The narrative style
- The chronological style
- The hourglass style
Q. What are the norms for writing for the radio?
- Whereas simplicity is a characteristic of any good writing.
- The language of everyday conversation should be the medium of
- communication in radio .
- One needs to remember hair that radio bulletins are usually short and
- mostly does not last longer than 10 or 15 minutes,
- So how many words will be given to each item and how much information
- Can to given within those words always needs to well thought -out.
- Language should be clear precise and to the point without any ambiguity. Sentence in news bulletin should be short and direct and is possible without any sab clauses.
- as radio cannot show images or videos therefore it is important to choose a language which would evoke the visuals in the minds of the listeners
- it is essential that the news writer or the editor writes in present tense.
Question for practice :-
Q. Write a blog on child labour.
READ MORE- Media and communication skills- Unit- 3 ( Cyber media and social media )