Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 3 ( Cyber media and social media )

Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 3 ( Cyber media and social media ) SEMESTER -VI

Subject- Sol / Regular / Ncweb / Others

media and communication skills- unit- 3- cyber media and social media

Q. What is new media? How has new media challenged the supremacy of traditional media?

  • The Media which uses the Internet facilities to transmit and view information and messages can be termed as the New Media.
  • New media can be defined as interactive forms of communication that use the Internet, including podcasts, blogs, vlogs, social networks, text messaging, wikis, virtual worlds and all other computer aided communication formats available online.
  • New media requires a computer or mobile device with Internet access.
  • New Media does not suffer from the problems of time and space like the traditional media. Thus, news or any other content in the new Media can be accessed anywhere, any time.
  • Thus, New Media has apparent advantages over the traditional media.
  • A Newspaper can only show things through words and pictures; a television can present audio-visual things, whereas the New Media can handle variety of forms for the information it presents.
  • The immediacy of the New Media makes it have advantage over other traditional media. New media can connect one format of information with other formats and sources of information through hyperlinks.

Multimediality : Unlike traditional media, new media can contain various types of media format on a single platform.

Cost effective : Compared to other media, webpage production is cost effective and environment friendly.

Extended Access : We can get access to the web or new media sources wherever we are.

Q. What is social media? Does the social media is a distraction?

  • Social Media has been a trendy thing in today's lifestyle as more and more people are using it for various purposes - connecting to friends, chatting, photo sharing, for news, for blogging, for various other purposes . Social media is also a great platform for advertisement and business.
  • It is untrue to say that social media is a distraction. It is a distraction for those who do not know how to draw their limits. It is not a problem with social media, but with the characters of the people who do so.
  • Fake news can be there in any media platform and one should know to crosscheck and verify news.
  • Social media is unsafe only to careless. Social media is thought to be unsafe as use of social media during driving can lead to accidents and consequent deaths.
  • One should understand that technology is not just for work and professional needs, but should also be put to use in daily life to ease things and work, to connect with friends and world and also for the sake of entertainment without which life can be boring.

Q. What is FTP?

  • FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.
  • It is a protocol used to transfer files between an FTP host/server and an FTP client computer on the Internet.

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