Communication in everyday life- unit-1- theory of communication- semester-1 sol / ncweb / du regular / other

communication in everyday life- unit-1- theory of communication- semester-1

Q. Define communication

  • The word communication is used to mean any activity in which information emotion and feelings are convey from one to another. 
  • The word communication is divided from the Latin word “communicare” which means to share. 
  • It is also thought that the Latin word “communis” which means commonness is another route word for communication.
  • Generally We define communication as the process of transfer of information between two source with the information being understood by both. 

For communication to make place between or among people two requirements must be met :-

  • A symbolic system must be shared by the people involved and 
  • The association between the symbols and their referents must be shared.
  • According to fearing “it is a two way process” which cannot be adequately understood in terms of simple engineering or mechanical analogies.

Q. What is the Process of communication?

  • Communication is a process in which at least two individuals are involved the sender has an idea, thoughts at etc and 
  • he/she in courts the message in language and send the message using a particular media to the receivers the receiver's tries to decode so that he/she comprehends what the encoder means. 
  • If the encoder and the decoder shares the same basis of encoding and decoding the sound and symbols then the communication succeeded if not then it leads to miss communication.

Q. What are the things to be kept in mind to be an effective communication.

  • We must know what the objective of our communication is  
  • when the objective is set then the next step is to present our thoughts emotions feelings etc. with clarity and integrity . 
  • The medium chosen for communication should be one both the parties are  conversant with . 
  • An appropriate environment is also necessary for proper delivery of message.
  • Paralinguistic features such as tone, pitch voice, pronunciation, appropriate gesture, eye contact etc. affect the oral communication process.

Q. What is feedback?

  • Feedback is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has received the message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender. 
  • no communication is complete without a feedback. 
  • only when we receive a feedback we know whether whatever we intended has been comprehended by the listeners or not . 
  • The nodding of the head and yawning are examples of body language through which we get feedback of how effective we are in communicating our ideas orally.

Q. What are Types of communication? 

1. Verbal and nonverbal

2. Formal and informal

3. Oral and written

4. Verbal communication:

include both oral and written oral is the more frequent used medium of communication some of these reasons are We need not be literate to speak as it needed in written human beings are born with a language acquisition device which disposes them to learn a language. when they grow up is a socio cultural environment We speak more than we write as it is faster.

Non verbal

it includes any communication which is neither oral nor written such as gesture dressing etc as we can also communicate through our body language which is nonverbal communication. It cues are :-

Kinesics is the study of bodies physical movement for the purpose of communication.

1. Personal appearance are first impression matters a lot it includes clothes hair cosmetics etc.

2. Posture it refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand set walk talk or choose not to talk.

3. Gestures are movements made by heads, hands or face .

4. Facial expression communication to the receivers to the intent of the   message

5. Eye contact often our eyes communicate better than the words we utter 

Proxemics :-  

Space or lack of it between the sender and receiver of the message also speak volumes. when one hugs someone though no words are exchanged but the warmth  of the relationship can be felt by both.The study of physical space in interpersonal relations is called proxemics.

1. Intimate a handshake a pat on the back or a hug is examples of intimate.

2. Personal the personal zone is the distance between you and the interviews in an interview.

3. Public events are formal in this zone. when prime minister or the president address is the masses, it is the example of public.

4. Chronemics the study of the use of time to communicate is known as chronemics. When we are late for an appointment people react negatively is a best example of chronemics.

5. Haptics Language of touch like slapping kissing are ways of haptics.

6. Para language here are different dimensions of it based on

Volume variation 

  • speed of speaking 
  • poses 
  • word stress 
  • Inflections
  • Non inflections like umm

Sign Language 

it refers to symbols which are commonly used with in a particular communication group like road signals maps alarms sirens etc

Audio signal 

  • Visual signals 
  • Audio visual signals

Q. What are the  Barriers to communication? 

when we fail to communicate the desire information emotion etc the noise and environment is a barrier to communication. It may also happen that two unknown persons accidentally meet and want to communicate but they do not have a common language from which they can communicate. Classification of barriers to communication are :

1. Channel noise

2. Semantic noise

Strategies to overcome barriers to communication 

Identify the problem - find the cause of barrier - work on alternative solution opt for the best solution - follow up rigorously

Q. What are The 7 C`S of effective communication?

1. Completeness

2. Conciseness

3. Consideration

4. Clarity

5. Concreteness

6. Courtesy

7. Correctness

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