BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 8 ( Argumentative Text ) Reading And Speaking Skills

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 8- Argumentative Text-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 8- Argumentative Text-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject


  • Argument means "A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of convincing others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
  • An argument is based on logic and one has to give reasons in support or against opinion, expressed in the form of a statement.
  • All the arguments are solidly supported by hard evidences like facts, statistics, surveys and reports.
  • The author presents both pros and cons on a topic and then based on his judgement tries to establish his side as the logical one.


  • The argumentative essay's first paragraph gives the introduction.
  • It is followed by three- five evidentiary paragraphs forming the body of the essay. 
  • This part provides the evidences and the discussion of opposing views. 
  • The body includes the arguments and the counter arguments and finally reasons and data to support the argument.

(i) First Paragraph

  • The author mentions the need for discussing the topic.
  • This is called exigence where the relevance of the topic is given. 
  • It focuses on the position that the writer takes on the topic.

(ii) Body Paragraphs

  • The topic sentence is a declaration of the main idea.
  • After the declaration, the writer presents reasons through examples or facts to justify his claim.
  • This allows the reader to easily read and comprehend the flow of the essay.

(iii) Conclusion

  • It also considers the counter arguments used in the body paragraphs and the concluding para- graph comes across as a logical opinion to emerge after considering all the provided data.
  • This paragraph is important because it gives the reader the ultimate impression that the writer wishes to leave onto the minds of his readers.


  • Speed reading plays an important role in reading long passages. 
  • Skimming and scanning are very effective ways to comprehend such passage. 
  • In both these strategies, the reader uses rapid eye movement and identifies the keywords.


  • Skimming helps the reader understand the main ideas of the passage.
  • The aim is to get an overall idea of the argument in the passage.


  • In scanning, the reader will look for specific information.
  • In this technique also, the reader does not read everything, but only a particular piece of information.
  • Scanning is reading rapidly to get specific facts.


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