BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 5 ( Expository Text ) Reading And Speaking Skills

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 5 Expository Text-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject


In this chapter, we will understand the necessity for comprehension skills. We will also study specific features of expository texts and the process of both extensive and intensive reading.


Comprehension is a process of deep thinking and involves meticulous reading. It depends on the readers' basic cognitive and intellectual skills and language skills.

What is Expository Text ?

Expository writings may aim at explaining a process or may have arguments to support a thesis statement.  The word "Expository" has been derived from the term 'expose' which means "make (something) visible by uncovering it.


Writings in expository texts can of six categories. It can be used:

(i) To determine the cause and effect of any phenomena

(ii) Problem and solution of certain situations

(iii) For different kind of Classifications

(iv) For the development of comparison and Contrast

(v) For determining a definition, and

(vi) For detailing a process.

Cause and Effect

  • The cause and effect text illustrates the happening of a situation and its consequences. 
  • The contributory things are not necessary, but they can be included if the writer is running out of ideas. 
  • The writing of such an essay leads to the creation of a thesis statement, the singular most important main idea or opinion stated in a clear way.

Problem and Solution

Such writings present a problem from various directions and the reader needs to identify it.If the reader understands the problem, he will be able to not only understand but analyze the solutions provided.


  • Classification writings demarcate a subject into various groups or categories. 
  • After a brief explanation of the subject, such writings explain the parts in detail and with examples. 
  • The conclusions provide a summarization of the groups along with providing a basis for the creation of this group.
  • The reader need to understand these sections of the essay.

Comparison and Contrast

  • These types of writings present two entities, concentrating on the similarities and differences between any two ideas, things or situations.
  • The reader needs to understand the process of working on the thesis statement keeping in mind a comparative entity always when referring to one. 
  • The reader has to align the two entities with each other based on their similarities and dissimilarities. 


  • This type of text defines a particular term, concept or a thing.
  • The introductory passage include a standard, clear and precise definition of the concept.
  • The body, just as with other types of essays, has the detailed analysis and explanations of the given term.


  • This type of text, categorized under the "how-to" essay, lists down the processes in a methodical manner.
  • For example, instructions like baking a cake, fixing a car tyre and planning a trip are included in this type of writing. 
  • The reader needs to identify the thing or action for which instructions are given.


Readence, Bean and Baldwin say a simple procedure to help students recognize, identify and utilize text structure is a way to better comprehend and recall reading from expository text.

Skimming and Scanning

  • These techniques enable the reader to establish an understanding in a limited period of time. 
  • Both in skimming and scanning, the reader requires to rapid eye movements through the text, specifically the keywords.
  • Skimming ensures a rapid reading to provide a creation of overall understanding of the text. 
  • Scanning is concerned with rapid reading for the finding specific keywords and facts.


  • Skimming helps the reader finish a cumbersome text in a short period of time. 
  • it helps get an abstract idea of the topic and the reader cannot do an in- depth analysis.
  • it is fit only as a preview into the text.
  • In skimming, the reader will not be able to read every word.

In general, the following steps can be of help

(i) Read Essay overview to know the main divisions of ideas.

(ii) Glance through the main headings in each paragraph or section.

(iii) Read the headings of charts and tables.

(v) In each paragraph, read only the first few words of each sentence or to locate the main idea.


The following techniques can be used for scanning:

(i) The reader should know what he is looking for.

(ii) The reader should decide on a few key words or phrases search terms.

(iii) He should look for only one keyword at a time.

(iv) Multiple scans should be done if the reader uses multiple keywords.

(v) Eyes should float rapidly down the page until the reader finds the word or phrase he wants.

READ MOREBEGLA- 138- UNIT- 4 ( Reading A Literary Text )


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