BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 15 ( Pronouncing Correctly- 2: Stress and Rhythm in Connected Speech and Voice Training ) Reading And Speaking Skills

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 15- Pronouncing Correctly- 2: Stress and Rhythm in Connected Speech and Voice Training-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 15- Pronouncing Correctly- 2: Stress and Rhythm in Connected Speech and Voice Training-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject


  • In English, some words are pronounced louder, higher and longer, while some words are very short and quiet.
  • We speak certain words like "for" or "the" which look like we have not said. 
  • That is so because some words are quiet and quick, making them hard to hear.
  • We emphasize certain words (or parts of words) according their importance in a sentence.

Take the two sentences below: 

Sentence 1: I looked in the car but I didn't see my Keys

Sentence 2: I don't like tea unless it has milk.

  • The first sentence is longer than the second one.
  • because English is a stress- timed language, both the sentences will take about the same amount of time for a native speaker to say.
  • These content words give meaning or critical information in the sentence.


  • The word rhythm is derived from rhythmos (Greek) which means, "measured motion.
  • " Rhythm is a literary device. 
  • Rhythm is the speed and tempo of how you say a sentence. 
  • Rhythm means "a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that is used in music, poetry, and dancing.


  • Stress meaning saying a syllable or part of a word more strongly and can be at word level.
  • For example, RECord is the noun for example of an athletics world record, while reCORD is what we do to a song when you copy it onto a CD.
  • Stress has also importance at sentence level where the meaning can be changed depending on which whole word you stress. 
  • Stress changes the implied meaning. 

Word Stress

  • Word stress means a word (or parts of a word) is stressed more than others in a sentence.
  • Certain words are stressed for different reasons.

For examples:

  • What time is it ?
  • I'm going to a birthday party.
  • Would you like coffee or tea ?
  • Content words are stressed, while function words are not stressed.


  • The rhythmic groups are closely knit.
  • This does mean that there is a pause between each group. 
  • In each of the sentences above, the number of unstressed syllables between the stressed syllables is more or less the same, thus giving them a fairly regular rhythmic beat. 


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