BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 13 ( Telephone Conversation ) Reading And Speaking Skills

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 13- Telephone Conversation-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject

BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 13- Telephone Conversation-  Reading And Speaking Skills IGNOU Subject


  • In this chapter, we will understand what telephonic communication is and study how a telephonic conversation is different from a face- to- face conversation, 
  • understand the nuances of language use in a telephone talk and apply the discussed ideas to improve the outcome of telephone conversations.


  • The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 and the launch of Bell Telephone Company in 1877 changed the way people communicate.
  • However, Martin Cooper's invention of the mobile phone in 1984 revolutionize the way of communication. 
  • Later the technological development and spread of mobile telephonic networks completely changed the way of communication.
  • Further, the Internet transformed the notions of accessibility and connectivity.
  • With the merger of the mobile telephony and wireless internet, the tele-communication sector witnessed humongous advancements.


  • A telephone conversation is any conversation that happens over a telephonic network using a wired telephone or a wireless smartphone. 
  • Telephone conversations have been a considerable chunk of our present- day communicative exchanges.
  • In a telephone conversation, all bodily non- verbal cues are blocked as the interlocutors cannot see each other.
  • In a face-to-face conversation, we form an impression about the other participants from the non- verbal cues, like facial expressions, eye-contact and hand movement.


1- Telephone conversations are used for various purposes

2- Advertising and selling products and services

3- Enquiring and buying products and services

4- Discussing personal and professional issues

5- Persuading clients or friends to do or not do something

6- Negotiating various deals

7- Networking personally or professionally

8- Exchanging vital information

9- Arranging for something like a delivery, an installation

10- Confirming your presence or absence

11- Explaining a point to a friend or a colleague

Advantages of Telephone Conversation

(i) Speed

  • A telephone call is spontaneous and quick.
  • It does not require fixing a time to meet physically or the time to carefully word an e-mail or a letter.
  • There may be a time criterion

(ii) You need to optimally utilise the time

  • Telephone conversations can nurture relationship with the interlocutor, improve the level of understanding and establish an empathetic connection.

(iii) You should be friendly

  • Friendly and candid telephone conversation and choosing expressions that meet the exact personal or professional needs of the conversation can help the purpose.


  • We have both formal and informal telephone conversation daily in our daily life.
  • An informal telephone conversation between Mrs. Majumdar and her daughter Sonali.
  • Sonali is studying in Delhi and is away from her home town, Kolkata.
  • Its early winter and Mrs. Majumdar is worried about how her daughter is coping in Delhi.

( Mrs. Majumdar ) Hello Guddi. How are you beta ?

( Sonali ) I am fine mumma. How are things at home ?

( Mrs. Majumdar ) Well everything fine here. The weather getting chilly. How it there in Delhi ?

( Sonali )  oh mumma don't ask it's already freezing here. 5°C today and the wind just kills you

(Mrs Majumdar) wear double sweaters when you go out and don't forget your cap muffler and gloves.

(Sonali)  Don't you worry mumma. I'm always covered

(Mrs. Majumdar) Take care beta. I'll call again. Don't miss your lunch. 


READ MORE- BEGLA- 138- UNIT- 12 ( Informal Conversation ) 


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