BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 9 ( The Media ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 9- The Media- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 9- the media- english in daily Life


  • In today's scenario, the term "media" is the most important in our society.
  • It covers both print and electronic media, which acts as means of mass communication. 
  • The media includes newspapers, magazines, the radio, TV, and now, the mobile phone and the internet. 
  • Generally, people think news you items dealing with politics, economic issues, wars, crime, etc. as the only news in the media.
  • In this chapter we will learn some examples of the diversity of news items, which will increase knowledge as well as vocabulary.


  • As the we know that computer has become a common means of communication and source of news today.
  • We see many sites which give us news and other information.
  • There are search engines like "Google" and "Yahoo" which respond to our queries and guide us to relevant sites way to increase our vocabulary which helps to look for information on a subject of our interest, and find the meanings of words that we may not know.
  • Here, is a page from 'Google' which gives you information on social net working sites.

What is Social Networking ?

  • Social networking, also referred to as social media, encompasses many Internet based tools that make it easier for people to listen, interact, engage and collaborate with each other. 
  • Social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, Wikipedia and countless others are catching on like wildfire.
  • People use social networking to share photos, ideas, recipes and to keep friends updated on our lives.
  • You can use social networking tools from mobile devices, such as smart phones, as easily as from a PC or laptop..


  • Blogs are sites that people set up to provide information and opinions about events, ideas or anything else they want to discuss.
  • Blogs can include links to other related sites, photos, videos and sound as well as text.
  • The number of bloggers is growing exponentially.


  • Twitter is a micro-blogging site.
  • It is a free micro blogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets either using a computer or a cell phone.


  • Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.


  • Telegram is a non-profit cloud-based instant messaging service.
  • Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio and files of any type.
  • Users can have a secret chat, which can be deleted from the receivers phones too within a period set.


  • You may have heard of the term "Endangered Species". 
  • It means species which are in danger or threatened with extinction, often due to the activities of human beings. 
  • Please listen to this excerpt and answer the questions given below:
  • Audio Text for "World Wildlife Fund"
  • As divers know, thousands of beautiful fish, mollusks and urchins are among the amazing marine life that live among coral reefs. 
  • Unfortunately, human activities, including those associated with global warming are threatening these animals. 
  • WWF is working to develop and test conservation strategies to better protect coral reefs while also.
  • working to stop global warming, the root cause of their destruction.


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