BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 8 ( Public Services) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 8- Public Services- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 8- public services- english in daily life


  • Public services are the important part in one's life.
  • We have to make use of "Public Services" such as booking tickets at railway stations/airports. 
  • We also use the phone helpline to speak for solace in any tensed situations.
  • We may like to volunteer for an NGO project. 
  • We will also practice some dialogue writing for stories or dramas.

Public Service

  • Public Service is a service intended to serve all members of a community.
  • Public policy when made in the public's interest and motivations can provide public services.
  • Public service is also a course that can be studied at a college or university.
  • Examples of public services are the fire brigade, police, air force

LISTENING: JUST DIAL THIS NUMBER... Organizing a telephone helpline

  • There are a number public utility services available in the telephone directory. 
  • Some of them are police, fire, ambulance, cooking gas booking and complaint, electricity board, tourism, medical services, airways/ roadways/train services.
  • A telephone directory always contains valuable information and instructions that a customer needs.
  • But there are a few public services now available which are not listed in the directory. 
  • These helpline services have saved lives of people by giving them the right advice at the right time.


Call centres

  • The text below is about call centres. 
  • Call Centre, Contact centre or Customer Inter- action Centre - whatever name you give it (we still call it a call centre) - operates on the principles of meeting customer needs.
  • used for customer related functions like marketing, selling, information dispensing, advice, technical support, etc. 
  • Thus, a call centre is a service centre which has adequate telecom facilities, trained consultants, access to a wide data base internet and other online information support infrastructure to provide information and support to customers. 

Jobs in Public Services

(i) A Software Developer

  • A Software Developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development process, including the research, design, programming, and testing of computer software. 
  • Other job titles which are often used with similar meanings are programmer, software analyst, and software engineer

(ii) A Web Designer

  • A Web Designer is someone who prepares content for the Web. 
  • This role is mainly related to the styling and layout of pages with content, including text and images. 
  • Web designers use many technologies but commonly rely on hypertext and hypermedia resources including HTML, CSS and additional Web design tools.

(iii) A Chef

  • A Chef is a trained professional cook who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation. 
  • He is in charge of the whole kitchen.


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