BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 7 ( Money Matters ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 7- Money Matters- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject


  • We all need to do some investments and savings for our future. 
  • We need to pay some taxes to the government. 
  • Financial matters are very important for us.
  • We will learn, understand and discuss issues relating to finance.
  • Will practice comprehension of share bulletins, brochures on bonds/equities/insurance schemes.


  • People who put aside a little cash regularly, to tide themselves through tough times, especially in old age, are considered to be wise and farsighted. 
  • Now-a-days, the idea of 'saving' has changed vastly; it is no longer a simple matter of stashing away gold or buying a piece of land. 
  • There are professional 'fund managers'-experts with a specialized knowledge of investment options and financial markets-who offer their services and invest your money in keeping with your needs and risk-taking ability. 
  • Let us read the following passage to get an idea about mutual funds.

Mutual Funds - The Power Of Money

  • The Power of Money A mutual fund is a corpus or collection of funds, received from various investors, with the objective of investing in a certain category of financial institutions.
  • The returns are paid to the investors in the same ratio as their original investment. 
  • For example, you are a group of five friends who have saved rupees one thousand each.
  • fund manager who invests this corpus in a 'low-risk' scheme with a 10% return, which then gives you a total of Rs. 5,500. 
  • This is shared equally among your group, so each gets Rs. 1,100. 
  • The advantage of this is that you can invest even small amounts, and share in the performance of various
  • companies, since the mutual fund will have many investors and can buy more shares with its large corpus of money.

(a) Equity Funds

  • In this mutual fund, the investor's money is put into the equity market (also called the share market). 
  • The fund manager, uses the corpus to buy up shares from the stock exchange. 
  • If the share prices go up, you make a profit; if not, you suffer a loss.
  • The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund thus fluctuates with market price movements. 
  • Two common types of Equity funds are diversified equity fund, and sectoral equity fund.

Diversified Equity Fund

  • This is a fund in which the fund manager invests in shares of companies spread over different sectors of the industry, for example, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, information technology, the finance sector, etc. 
  • The 'diversity' of industries gives this fund its name. 
  • The risk is also spread over a large area. 
  • For example, if there is a growth in the iron and steel sector, but a slump in the technology sector, the loss in one will be balanced by the gain in the other.

Sectoral Equity Fund

  • Here, the fund manager invests in only one sector of the economy. 
  • For example, an FMCG fund is one which invests only in companies from the 'Fast Moving Consumer Goods' sector-like Hindustan unilever, Colgate, Nestle, etc.-but will not invest in companies such as Infosys or Wipro, which are part of the technology sector.

(b) Debt Funds

  • These invest primarily in the debt' market.
  • The mutual fund becomes a 'lender' and earns interest on the corpus of money that it 'lends' to the 'borrowers'. 
  • The interest earned is then distributed the investors of this fund. 
  • The risk in bond funds among is comparatively lower than in equities. 


  • Life insurance is an essential part of financial planning. 
  • The reason most people buy life insurance is to replace income that would be lost with the death of an income earner in the family. 
  • The premature death of the income earner could result in a drastic reduction in the family's life-style. 
  • An added benefit is that life insurance proceeds are tax-free.
  • the person receiving the benefits of the policy. 
  • This could be a blood relative-father, mother, sister, brother, child or your spouse. 
  • You have to pay a fixed amount, called premium, at regular, fixed intervals.


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