BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 6 ( Describing Daily Events ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135  UNIT  6- Describing Daily Events- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject


  • Discipline is important in our everyday life.
  • It is utterly important to maintain discipline as it greatly defines the person that one is.
  • Discipline helps in time management.
  • When one is disciplined, they are better able to manage their time at school, work and at home.
  • Here we will read about a florist and her daily routine.

Read the passage

  • "Early to bed and early to rise makes Jack healthy wealthy and wise".
  • My life revolves around this concept and I wake up around 6 O'clock in the morning, switch off the alarm clock and spring out of bed.
  • I am a florist by profession and am self-employed.
  • Right in the middle the hustle bustle of a metropolis, I own a little shop, which stocks flowers, called Flourish Fauna.
  • At around 7:30 I go to the suburbs to buy beautiful fresh flowers at cheap rates so as to get more variety there at reasonable rates.
  • At my shop, my assistants, Hamid and Abdul, help me open and decorate it with the beautiful flowers procured by me.
  • As the arm of the clock strikes 9, the shutters of my shop open with customers pouring in from all over the city
  • Bose the grandmother of a little boy in my neighborhood, called Sumit, who always buys white roses with ferns.
  • Lunch for me begins at around 2:30 or 3:00 depending upon the customers.
  • Joseph my friend, who works in the shop next to mine selling electrical fittings, joins me for lunch.
  • Since the number of customers reduces in the afternoon due to the overhead blazing sun, we have a nice chat as well.
  • I reach home in an hour's time.
  • I prepare my dinner which is usually the lightest meal of my day.
  • After watching the 10 O'clock news, I switch off the TV to retire for the night.
  • Although my day begins early and I wind up late, I love my work and I want to keep on expanding my business.
  • Despite my mundane routine I am thankful to god for giving me the gift called life.
  • I believe in punctuality and regularity in work.
  • Along with this, I also believe in honesty and sincerity, which is why, perhaps, I am successful.


  • "This lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable.
  • To live without regret, it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves.
  • It is equally important that we keep moving toward specific targets steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time."
  • We all know we need to make lists and write down our targets and goals.
  • There have been studies that show that college graduates with clear goals achieve more success than others who don't have written goals.
  • All of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year and fail to keep them.
  • We should attempt to make goals anyway.
  • Goals that can happen quickly are called short-term goals.
  • These goals pertain to something that you want to do in the near future i.e. on that day, week, month, etc.
  • Goals that take a long time to achieve are called long-term goals.


  • Managing your time well can help you improve in your career.
  • Organizing each day helps you to complete I work on time, stay engaged during important meetings and give you space to be creative and proactive in your tasks.
  • Having strong time-management skills can ultimately lead to accomplishing key goals and advancing in your position.
  • Managing your time efficiently is a skill which sets you up for success in life.


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