BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 5 ( Family and Friends ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 5- Family and Friends- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 5 family and friends- english in daily life


  • Everyone has some relations and friends in their life. 
  • In this chapter we will learn and develop read and comprehend a personal experience. 
  • We will develop some ability to make inferences from the text and provide personal opinion after evaluating certain
  • situations and listen to children's experiences in the family.
  • Now-a-days there are many issues where the children disagree with their parents on many issues like:
  • Some parents don't allow them to use personal Mobile.
  • They just want them to study science subjects where they are interested in arts.
  • Being a girl they don't allow her to go out in the evening or talk to boys.
  • They don't like their fashion sense and language slangs.
  • This is called Generation Gap.

Understanding Generation Gap

  • Generation gap is nothing but certain psychological and emotional gap between parents or elder people and the younger ones.
  • Bulging generation gap creates misunderstanding and lack of attachment between the parents and children.
  • The success of parenting lies in how effectively they avoid the generation gap or ignore the differences with kids.
  • Generation gap is the result of the fast paced development of the society.
  • In carlier times two or three generations live in the same lifestyle and environments as the development was so slow.
  • But today, nearest past is very much outdated and the world is more advanced each day.
  • Parents do not even know many of the modern technologies and equipment children use.


  • 17-year-old Kiran Ali asks her Pakistan-born parents if she can go out with her friend, who happens to be a boy. 
  • Their response is "No." Once again, Kiran is frustrated with the disparity between her parents' ideas and her ideas, her parent's culture and America's.
  • First-generation Americans are struggling with the need to adapt to American life while trying to please their parents. 
  • "I try to take advantage of living in America, being an American teenager," said Kiran, But at the same time, I know I am Pakistani and I feel an obligation to keep up with the traditions of my family."

Cuban Traditions

  • Maria Gonzalez, who moved from Cuba to Miami in 1962, said she wants her daughter Madelyn to take advantage of all this country has to offer. 
  • "In Cuba, we were under Castro's law," she said. 
  • "But here my daughter has more freedom to do what she desires."

Madelyn said

  • "My parents are unaware of the typical American culture. 
  • They do not understand why people do certain things or what the point is, "My parents never let me sleep out ...I would not exactly say they are strict, but compared to my American friends they are a little bit more conservative.


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