BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 4 ( Non- Verbal communication Body Language ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 4- Non- Verbal communication Body Language- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 4- non- verbal communication body language- english in daily life


  • Our communication with someone involves verbal and non- verbal communications.
  • Learning and understanding body language and non-verbal communication is just as important as understanding verbal communication. 
  • Now we will understand what is our body language and how important it is in our day-to-day life. 
  • Different people convey things not only through what they say but also through non-verbal communication. 
  • In this chapter we will do some role play as well as develop some speaking and listening skills to understand our language in a proper manner.


  • Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication in day-to-day interaction with people.
  • Body language and facial expressions can speak a lot about you as a person.
  • Our dress, our appearance, the way we sit or stand, the way we touch other people, our gestures - all these have something to say about us.
  • In this chapter you will read all about body language.


  • Vocabulary is the key to communication.
  • For a large majority of learners, the ultimate goal of studying is to be able to communicate in a new language.
  • If you do not wish to lean completely on non-verbal skills, mastering vocabulary is not just important, but crucial in a foreign language environment.
  • Words must be understood in the context in which they occur.
  • Improve your vocabulary by reading a lot.


Role play with another student at your study centre the following situations. Try to use body language and facial expressions according to the role.

( Situation )

1. Imagine one of you is Luke and the other is Sridhar.

  • As Luke act in a very angry and agitated manner.
  • Your body language should express your anger and show you are upset.
  • As Sridhar, your facial expressions should show that you understand Luke very well. 
  • You understand from Luke's mannerisms that he wants assurance that his car will be repaired properly.

2. Imagine you are Geet Seth.

  • You work as a software engineer with a computer company which has promised to send you abroad on a project.
  • At the eleventh hour your manager tells you that someone else is being sent. 
  • You are extremely upset.
  • As Geet Seth play the role with appropriate body language and expressions. 
  • Your partner will play the role of the manager. 
  • He has to tackle you very carefully and understand your body language and facial expressions that reveal much more than what you say.


  • Body language is noticed by everybody but is not always given enough attention. 
  • We sometimes ignore it and try to hide behind words, but we should never forget that we cannot fool everyone.
  • Children react to body language because they experience the world through intuition. 
  • A way to learn body language is to watch television with the sound turned off and try to interpret what's being said simply from reading body language.
  • You will experience that humans say a lot with their mouth which is contradicted by their body, gestures and other channels of communication.


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