BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 3 ( Feelings ) English in Daily Life

 BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 3- Feelings- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 3- feelings- english in daily life


  • Feelings are important because they can motivate you. 
  • If you are passionate about something then such passion can give you the power to overcome all kinds of obstacles and problems. 
  • Thus feelings can become like an engine for you to keep moving.
  • So now we learn and enjoy a passage and comprehend the feelings involved. 
  • We will learn to differentiate words which convey positive/negative feelings, imagine about feelings and write it.

Read this story by Guy Maupassant

  • I am a simple man with simple tastes. 
  • I was born in the countryside and never left it. 
  • So I love the earth, the fresh air, everything that grows, animal and the wind and the sky.
  • I am also very fond of hunting, yet the sight of the wounded creature, of the blood in its fur or feathers on my hands, affects 
  • That year the cold weather got in suddenly towards the end of autumn, and I was invited by one of my cousins, Karl de Ranville, to go with him and shoot
  • We were to set out one day at daybreak, and were expected to get back at sunset.
  • My cousin was a typical country gentleman - stout, red-face, jolly, good natured and rather dull.
  • He lived in a house, half farm-house, half castle, situated in a charming valley.
  • We were to be up at half-past three in the morning, in order to be at the spot where we could wait for the birds.
  • At three O'clock he woke me. 
  • Dressing quickly, I went downstairs and was given hot coffee and sandwiches.
  • Karl ordered a fire, for I had begun to cough and my cousin was anxious that I should not catch a cold.
  • But suddenly a peculiar cry, a lost, wandering cry, passed over our heads and the light from our fire showed us the wild birds. 
  • And suddenly it began to be light and dawn shone in the valley.
  • And then we saw the splendid sight of long lines of ducks rising from the marshes and beginning to fly away in perfect formation towards the horizon.
  • From then, nearly every minute, we shot in turn, and Plunger and Pierrot, out of breath but pleased, kept bringing us the bleeding birds, whose eyes, fixed on me sometimes, made me uneasy.
  • The sun had risen, and it was a bright day with a blue sky, and we were just going to return when two birds with outstretched necks and spread wings flew rapidly over our heads. 
  • I fired, and one of them fell almost at my eet. 
  • It was a short, repeated, heart-rending lament, the cry of the other bird, the male of the one I had killed.
  • It circled round and round, looking at its dead companion which I was holding in my hand.
  • The bird circled over us continually, and continued his cries.
  • Never in all my life have I heard sounds of such pain as came from that bird. 
  • He was alone and lost. 
  • Now and then he would fly away under the menace of the gun which followed his movements but he came back again and again.
  • I felt the sting of tears starting in my eyes.
  • "Leave the dead bird on the ground," said Karl.
  • "Let him come to it."
  • And at last he did come near us, careless of danger, seeking his mate, in an agony of love....


  • We will now practice both the rude as well as polite ways of saying things. 
  • Note that some of the polite ways of saying things may be rather formal. 
  • Example: getting someone to get you the key. 
  • This door is locked, get me the key fast, will you ?[rude manner]
  • I'm afraid this door is locked could you please , get me the key. [polite manner]


  • Listening requires a lot of practice.
  • Our aim is to help you become good listeners.
  • You may have to listen to the audio more than once.
  • My father died when I was eight years old and I cried bitterly when I heard of his death, for I loved him and all my
  • memories of him are sweet ones.
  • He was a strict man, always expecting to be obeyed without question.
  • He ruled his family with a firm hand but only once did he beat me.
  • Until the day I die I do not think I shall forget the beating my father gave me.
  • I was sore for days afterwards and he had to treat me with some soothing medicines.
  • My father was for many years headmaster of the school but, in later life, he was ordained as a minister of the church.


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