BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 2 ( Social Small Talk ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 2- Social Small Talk- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject


  • Starting a conversation can be a challenge if you aren't sure where to begin, and awkward silences can be uncomfortable.
  • Even if you don't think you have anything to talk about, there are many ways you can get involved in deep conversation.
  • Look for common topics that you can talk about and be an active listener so the conversation stays engaging.
  • As you get more comfortable talking to others, you'll be able to have a conversation no matter the situation!
  • In this chapter you will be able to improve your social skills.


  • Skimming and scanning are two very different strategies for speed reading. 
  • They are each used for different purposes, and they are not meant to be used all the time. 
  • Skimming refers to looking only for the general or main ideas.
  • Unlike skimming, when scanning, you look only for a specific fact or piece of information without reading everything.

Criteria for Socializing

  • Small talk happens all the time between casual acquaintances, people whom you meet in the course of your work. 
  • You may come together because you are attending the same conference or meeting or staying in the same hotel or travelling on the same train.
  • You must also avoid asking probing personal questions; especially when you hardly know each other.
  • Normally, the conversation arises from the immediate physical environment: the weather, buildings and places, hotels, arrival and departure, meals, the time of day, entertainment, etc.


  • It is important that you are prepared for a listening activity. 
  • For example, read the questions beforehand so you know what is expected of you. 
  • You may listen more than once if required.
  • Listen to this conversation between two people who have met after a long while.
  • They exchange news about each other and about a mutual acquaintance.

Tape Script : Dialogue

Radha : Venkat! I can't believe it's you. I haven't seen you for ages. And you haven't changed a bit. How're things? What are you doing?

Venkat : Radha, is that you? I hardly recognized you. You've put on weight.

Radha : Come, come. Don't exaggerate. I'm not fat. Besides, I had a baby recently.

Venkat : Congratulations! When did you get married? What does your husband do?

Radha : Oh, six years ago. My husband works for Computer's India.

Venkat : Really? I'd love to meet him. I'm interested in computers too. I've just done a Master's degree in computer software.

Radha : That's interesting! Where do you work?

Venkat : Well, I'm jobless at present. In fact I'm exploring the possibility of starting a consultancy in computer programming.


In the conversation between Radha and Venkat there are three comments on personal appearances. (However, when you comment on appearances make sure you make only positive comments) You could have three criteria for describing personal appearance:

1. General Appearance

Example - Sonal is a beautiful girl and her brother is handsome too.

2. Specifics : 

Skin, complexion, hair, face Skin and Complexion: dark skin, fair skin, beautiful complexion, sallow complexion, tanned

Face : thin faced, round faced, chubby faced, wrinkles on face
Hair : long hair, straight hair, curly hair, a crew cut, bald, receding hair line

READ MORE- BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 1 ( Starting And Ending Conversations ) 


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