BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 16 ( Doing Away with Exams ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 16- Doing Away with Exams- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 16- doing away with exams- english in daily life


Further we will read and form an opinion about the evaluation system in schools, viability of exams and whether exams are important or not in their present form.In the present scenario some students are afraid of examinations. Councellor give advice to those students to overcome their exams fear. This chapter will help students to develop writing skills on essay writing and personal letters. 


  • Dear Papa, This is in answer to your letter about my transgression.
  • Yes, my first rank slipped to the second.
  • You advised that I should think before answering the papers.
  • Father, we've never really been close and I can't rightly say you've been my friend, philosopher, guide, etc.
  • yet, I would like you to be aware of my thoughts.
  • You are highly educated and you provide very well for the family.
  • But in your departmental store, do you apply Pythagoras' Theorem or Newton's Law of Gravity?
  • Papa, my grandfather speaks of a carefree and beautiful childhood, of days spent in plucking mangoes and guavas from their orchards, of picnics on the banks of the river where the men cooked mouth-watering food, of playing marbles and gilli-danda.
  • Papa, my grandmother is semi-literate.
  • Yet, she is at peace with her pots, pans, her flowers and garden, her Bhagvad Gita and scriptures.
  • My mother, highly qualified, is highly strung, tense and nervous.
  • Do you think literacy makes us restless, afraid and frustrated? Oh Papa, last week, my rose plant almost died.
  • I asked my Biology teacher what I should do to save it, and she was cross.
  • She said, "Go ask the guy who keeps gardening things.
  • He'll tell you." We learn about pesticides but we do not know how to use them.
  • Oh father, it matters not to me why the apple does not fall upwards,
  • What matters to me is that my rose plants remain healthy.
  • I should know how to make a desk for myself with my carpenter's tools.
  • Instead I learn about square roots.....
  • Papa, once I asked my grandmother how she got to be so wise.
  • Do you know what she said? By living and experiencing.
  • And she laughed as though I had asked something which was so obvious.
  • Are we missing out on the essence of life?
  • And Papa, if he says George Bush is the President of India, it will have to be so.
  • If he says the sun rises in the west, so be it: and if he says the earth is flat, it will be, my Papa.
  • At least on my answer papers.
  • My first rank is at stake, you see.
  • Still, my dearest Papa, I shall keep your advice in mind and try not to lose any quarter marks.
  • As always, Your ever obedient son, Rahul


( Audio Text )

  • Today I am going to talk about some general exam stress-busting tips:
  • Please remember you have the ability to succeed.
  • If you prepare for the exams properly, you should do fine. 
  • Therefore there is no need to worry.
  • It is great to succeed. 
  • But keep things in balance.
  • If you think that anything less than an A+ means you have failed, then you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself.
  • Develop a time-table and phase out your studies so that you don't get burdened at the last moment.
  • Take breaks during revision to keep your mind refreshed.
  • Try some Yoga asanas, this will keep you calm and balanced. 
  • A relaxed mind helps you focus better.

Are Examinations Important

  • Different people will have different points of view regarding the utility of examinations. 
  • Young students normally are not responsible or mature enough to understand the importance of education. 
  • It is the fear of exams that leads them to study seriously. 
  • There is no denying the fact that the present system of evaluation needs to be revamped.
  • Media hype and certain sections of society have created a monster of the examination system. 
  • As a result, students are under a lot of stress.
  • Moreover scoring high marks is more important to them than gaining actual knowledge. 
  • It has become a rat - race and only those who score the highest marks are considered successful. 
  • Rather than being a traumatic experience for the learner, it should be pleasant and friendly. 
  • Remember, students who are apparently 'weak' in one area, may prove to be very strong in another aspect.


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