BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 15 ( Young Leaders ) English in Daily Life

Today topic- BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 15- Young Leaders- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 15- young leaders- english in daily life


  • Young leaders are pillars of any country or society.
  • They have good leadership qualities.
  • Here, we will learn and understand a reading passage on leadership qualities.
  • Leaders give speeches at different places while doing campaigning for themselves. 
  • Their speech needs to be very convincing. 
  • We will get to know some vocabulary as well.


  • (Here is an extract from 'My Experiments with Truths by M.K. Gandhi ?
  • The train reached Martizburg, the capital of Natal, at about 9 p.m. 
  • Beddings used to be provided at this station. 
  • A railway servant came and asked me if I wanted one.
  • 'No,' said I, 'I have one with me.' 
  • He went away. 
  • But a passenger came next, and looked me up and down.
  • He saw that I was a 'coloured' man.
  • This disturbed him. 
  • Out he went and came in again with one or two officials.
  • They all kept quiet, when another official came to me and said, '
  • Come along, you must go to the van compartment.'
  • 'But I have a first class ticket,' said I.
  • 'That doesn't matter,' rejoined the other. 'I tell you, you must go to the van compartment.'
  • 'I tell you, I was permitted to travel in this compartment at Durban, and I insist on going on in it.'
  • 'No, you won't.' said the official.
  • 'You must leave this compartment, or else I shall have to call a police constable to push you out.'
  • 'Yes, you may. 
  • I refuse to get out voluntarily."
  • The constable came. 
  • He took me by the hand and pushed me out. 
  • My luggage was also taken out. 
  • I refused to go to the other compartment and the train steamed away. 
  • I went and sat in the waiting room, keeping my hand-bag with me, and leaving the other luggage where it was. 
  • The railway authorities had taken charge of it.
  • It was winter, and winter in the higher regions of South Africa is severely cold.
  • Maritzburg being at a high altitude, the cold was extremely bitter. 
  • My over-coat was in my luggage, but I did not dare to ask for it lest I should be insulted again, so I sat and shivered. 
  • There was no light in the room. 
  • A passenger came in at about midnight and possibly wanted to talk to me.
  • But I was in no mood to talk. 
  • I began to think of my duty. Should I fight for my rights and go back to India, or should I go on to Pretoria without minding the insults
  • I So I decided to take the next available train to Pretoria.
  • The following morning I sent a long telegram to the General Manager of the Railway and also informed Abdulla Sheth, who immediately met the general manager. 

Understand biographical sketch

  • A biographical sketch paints an abbreviated picture of someone's life. 
  • It can be written about someone else's life or your own life. 
  • If you're writing about someone else, then you must explain who the person is and highlight their major achievements.
  • If the biographical sketch is about you, the same criteria apply, in addition to the goal of presenting yourself in a positive light.

( Be Concise )

  • It's best to aim for approximately 500 words in these sketches. 
  • Remember, as a "sketch," this is going to be a condensed version of a fuller biography.

( Highlight Achievements and Influences )

  • Try to highlight notable achievements that will impress the audience and make the subject a more memorable one. 
  • Mention how these accomplishments affected the subject's life.

( Arrange Your Information )

  • Once you've gathered all the necessary information to compose a biographical sketch, it's time to format your facts. 
  • Will you re-tell the person's life in chronological order? Or, will you lead with their major achievements and then circle back to tell their full story?

( Verify Your Information )

  • Before publishing or presenting a biographical sketch on an individual, double check all your sources.
  • It's important that the information being presented is confirmed and accurate.


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