BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 12 ( The Smell Of Food ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 12- The Smell Of Food- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 12- the smell of food- english in daily life


  • English language in daily interaction can be learnt in a simple manner by reading and enacting plays.
  • In this chapter we will learn to develop the ability to read play and understand the basic story in it. 
  • Comprehend new vocabulary items using cues from within the text and make inferences from the text. 
  • We can utilize the information taken from the text to real life.


  • The stories of Mullah Nasruddin are famous all over the world and are narrated over and over again.
  • A market place in Baghdad or Kabul. 
  • There are a few shops. 
  • In the background to the left is a shop which sells clothes and carpets. 
  • Some rolled up carpets are placed in a pile just outside the shop. 
  • A man with a lace cap and the beard customary to the place is sitting in the shop.
  • To the left in the foreground is a hawker with various jars.
  • On the right in the foreground is an eatery named 'Mehboob Husseini Kabab.' 
  • There are a few chairs on which two men are sitting and waiting for their food.
  • At the counter is a corpulent man with a turban and a beard. 
  • Evidently he is Mehboob Husseini, the owner of the place.
  • The main character Abdul in the same dress of salwar and kameez strolls into the market from the left. 
  • He comes to the centre and stops.
  • So many lovely things to buy and eat! Looks at the eatery. 
  • Then makes a wry face But all these are of no use to a man with empty pockets. 
  • Abdul: Breathing in deeply as the hurrying waiter brings in a dish It is so wonderful to just smell the food. 
  • I can guess how delicious it would be to eat it.
  • Mehboob Husseini: Of course you can try a couple of those heavenly kebabs. 
  • (He calls out). Serve this gentleman here. 
  • Abdul: No, no. I don't want to eat.
  • Not today. I have to go. (Moves away as if to go).
  • Then puts on a hard look and says) Well, go if you must.
  • But how about paying for all the heavenly smells of the food at this eatery?
  • Abdul: Pay for what? I have not tasted any of the food. 
  • What kind of robbery is this? I will not pay.
  • Husseini comes over to Abdul and takes hold of his elbow. 
  • There is a mild scuffle.
  • Mehbood Husseini: Then we shall see what the Quazi has to say in this matter.
  • Well, you are lucky. The court would have closed by now.
  • Abdul: But I can't pay you even if I wished to. I have no money. No money atall.
  • Mehbood Husseini Then you'd better bring the money to the court tomorrow.
  • And mind you, no tricks! Or, you know what kind (Curtain) of punishments thieves get.

Scene- 2 (Curtain)

  • It is morning. 
  • Mullah Nasruddin is sitting at his doorstep on a cot basking in the morning sun.
  • Abdul appears from the right.
  • Mullah: What's up? And why do you look like a goat that is to be slaughtered?
  • Abdul: Indeed, O Mullah. 
  • I am surely going to be executed because I can't pay for the smell of Husseini's food. 
  • He meets me in the court today and if I fail to give him the money
  • Mullah: (Takes off his turban and scratches his head. Thinks deeply and says...)
  • So that's the story. One minute.
  • He takes hold of Abdul's hand.) 
  • Come let's go. (They move off stage to the left.) (Curtain)

Scene 3 (Curtain)

  • The Quazi's court. The Quazi is sitting on a slightly raised platform with bolsters and nice covers. 
  • A few courtiers can be seen. 
  • On the left of the Quazi is seated Mehboob Husseini. Abdul and the Mullah enter from the right.
  • Mullah: (Both bow deeply) May Allah bless our great Lord with a thousand years!
  • The Quazi acknowledges the greetings with a wave of his hand.
  • Mullah and Abdul seat themselves on the right side of the Quazi.
  • Quazi: Let the court begin. Mehboob Miyan, what is your grievance?
  • Mehbood Husseini: My Lord! This man (pointing towards where Abdul is sitting) has taken the smells of my food but now refuses to pay for them. 
  • Now he is refusing to pay for the food, my Lord. 
  • To add insult to injury he calls me a robber, my lord. Quazi: 
  • (To Abdul) Did you or did you not take the smell of his food?
  • Abdul: I did, my lord. But I did not even taste it. 
  • Quazi: You have admitted that you did take the smell of his food. 
  • You must pay this hardworking man. Or else, the court shall have to give you appropriate punishment. 
  • (There is a hush in the court. Abdul stands shivering in his shoes. His head is bowed. 
  • The Mullah rises and bows deeply.)
  • Mullah: My Lord. This man Abdul is like my brother. 
  • Can I pay on his behalf?
  • Quazi: Mehboob Miyan, what do you say to that? Is the arrangement acceptable to you?
  • Mehbood Husseini: Yes, my Lord. I want two full dinars. One for my food. And one for my time. My business is suffering there.
  • Quazi: All right. That's fair enough. (To the Mullah) Yes, you may pay for him, Mullah.
  • The Mullah gets up and crosses over to the side where Mehboob Husseini is sitting. 
  • He sits very close to him and takes a cloth bag from under his cloak. 
  • He holds it in his left hand and shakes it close to the man's ear. The coins jingle - Chink, chink!)
  • Mullah: (Loudly) Do you hear the money? DO YOU HEAR MY MONEY?
  • Mehbood Husseini: (Looking a little confused first and then brightening up a little at the prospect of getting the money.) Yes, I do hear your money.
  • Mullah: (Repeats the act. This time he shakes it harder to make the coins jingle louder). 
  • Mehbood Husseini: You don't have to shout. OF COURSE, I HEAR THE MONEY. I HEAR YOUR MONEY!! Now pay up.
  • Mullah: The payment's made. He smelled your food and you heard the (Pointing to Abdul) money. 
  • So the dues are all clear. (Looks around at everyone in the court. Then bows deeply to the Quazi). Am I wrong, my Lord?
  • Quazi: I guess you are right Mullah. You are indeed an intelligent fellow. COURT
  • DISMISSED TILLAFTERNOON! (He announces loudly) 



(i) What caught Abdul's fancy at the market place ?

(ii) Was Mehboob Husseini proud of the food in his shop ? Pick the line which shows this.

(iii) What did Mehboob Husseini threaten Abdul with ?

(iv) How did the Mullah help Abdul ?

READ MORE- BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 11 ( People at Work )


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