BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 10 ( The Floating Markets Of Thailand ) English in Daily Life

BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 10- The Floating Markets Of Thailand- English in Daily Life- IGNOU Subject

begla- 135- unit- 10- the floating markets of thailand- english in daily life


  • Different types of markets are available throughout the world. 
  • We will study and understand some markets at different places. 
  • Will learn to make inferences from the text and evaluate a situation and provide personal opinion. 
  • You will be able to understand and make comparisons using information given in pictures.


  • In every country markets of different kinds exist. 
  • In India, for instance, one can see the posh shopping areas and multi-storeyed malls on the one hand and the small weekly bazaars on the other.
  • This bazaar is a kind of mobile market that shifts from area to area on different days of the week. 
  • The shopkeepers need nothing but some clean pavement or some open space to settle on as they carry on their transactions.
  • Then there is the common and easy to locate shopping centre in every residential block.
  • We also have the huge whole- sale markets devoted to particular kind of goods be it automobile spare parts
  • Just as the cities of different countries boast of markets for people to shop in, the rivers of Thailand offer colourful markets, which sell various kinds of farm produce and handicrafts. 
  • Early morning one can see a scene of hectic activity of bargaining, buying and selling here.
  • These floating markets are called 'talaat naam' in Thai.
  • These are made up of large clusters of boats, which serve the purpose of both sales counters and transport vehicles for the farmers who gather here to sell their wares every morning. 
  • One can see these women almost always in the blue dress that is common amongst the farmers of Thailand.
  • There are a wide variety of tropical fruits, flowers and vegetables and they offer a very colourful sight.
  • The boat vendors trade their agricultural produce largely by the traditional barter system. 
  • For the tourists there are baskets and cane products, cloth and other handmade items, which they can buy for money.
  • The most popular floating market is in Ratchabury province about 101 kilometres from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. 
  • The floating markets always open in the morning, some as early as 4 a.m. 
  • By about noon time all the vendors would have left only to return again eårly the next
  • In fact, Thailand's floating markets are so popular.
  • These markets give one a glimpse of the traditional way of life in Thailand. 
  • Looking at them one can imagine how daily life must have been in earlier times.


Listen to the following dialogue and practice it with your partner A customer calls because she wants to know when the free service that she had been promised for six months after she bought a washing machine, will be provided.

Executive : Good morning, Efficiency Machines. This is Ramesh. How may I assist you?

Customer : I bought a washing machine from your company and I was told I would receive a free service after six months. It has been six and a half months we still haven't got the free service. I was told it would be done last week, but nobody has come so far.

Executive : I can understand why that must have upset you. I'll arrange for a service engineer to be sent to your place today.

Customer : But I don't understand why I need to call and remind you of this.

Executive : I apologize for the inconvenience and assure you this won't happen again. In fact I'll put in another free service on your service card. All you have to do is fill in the date on which you would like him to come for the next service, and he will be there.

Customer: Thank you.

Executive: You're welcome, and have a good day.

READ MORE- BEGLA- 135- UNIT- 9 ( The Media )


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