Value addition Course- VAC- Reading Indian Fiction in English Unit- 1 ( Aspects of the Novel )

Today Topic-Value addition Course- VAC- Reading Indian Fiction in English Unit- 1 ( Aspects of the Novel ) Semester-  1 

Subject- ( Sol/ Ncweb / Du Regular / Other


  • In this unit and attempt has been made to familiarize you with the genre of the novel and it's various aspects. E.m. foster influences work aspect of the novel published in 1927.
  • Is an early but significant attempt to analyze the genre of the novel it is canonical  text for understanding the methodology of reading a novel critically.  
  • Fosters novel aspect of tea novel is one of the earliest efforts in studying the genre of the novel. 
  • In the introductory of aspect of the novel Forster defines novel as a fiction in prose of a certain extent'.
  • Aspect of the novel was originally Clark lecture series delivered by E.M. Fosters at  trinity college , Cambridge university.

The author and his works

E.M. foster is regarded as one of the finest Twentieth century critics. In his work many of his ideas and critical tenets about section 8 and literature can be found he is also or celebrated novel is who is novels are popular even now and read a cross the world it would be accurate to say that the novel in terms of writing is the most free from of the literary genres . 

Significant work of E.M. foster :-

Novels :- 
1) The longest journey 1907 
2) A room with a view 1908
3) A Passage to India 1924

Literary criticism:- 
1) Aspect of the novel 1927 and 
2)the feminine note in literature 

Travel writing:-  
1) Alexandria history and guide
2) The hill Of devi 19 53

1) Goldsworthy Lowe's Dickinson

The seven aspects of the novel :-

The story :-  foster states that as it core a novel  tells a story by sequencing event in a way that keeps the reader curious as to what happens next? The story is the backward of a novel making the audience want to know what happened next if audience not want to know what happened next then that is not a good novel.

People:- making character to know what happened next 
to whom did it happens? Foster distinguished between round characters and flat characters in novel. 

Flat characters are those who lack depth and complexity.
Characters who are flat have only one for two distinguishing traits. Flat characters can be summed up in a  single line and are easily recognizable. 

On the other hand Round characters have many facets. They are more fully developed and have a more complex.

For ex:-
Jane Austen’s stories centre on round characters

Plot :- is a recounting of events with an emphasis on cause and effect a plot must strike a balance between the events and the character. 
      The plot should be well organised and leave no lose ends.

Fantasy and prophecy :

  • fantasy usually thrill the readers. fantasy is a general of literature that features magical and supernatural elements that do not exist in the real world. Prophecy demands the qualities: humility and suspension of the sense of humor. prophecy is a tone of voice and it may imply any faith. 
  • each aspect of the novel demands a different qualities in the reader

Patterns and rhythm:- pattern must develop naturally. The story rhythm is represented by a motif that recurs with slight modifications.

READ MORE- Indian Classical Litrature (Silappadhikaram)

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