Indian Classical Litrature (Silappadhikaram) Unit- 3 Most Important Question Answer

Today Topic- Indian Classical Litrature ( Silappadhikaram ) Unit- 3 Most Important Question Answer


Indian Classical Litrature Silappadhikaram- Unit- 3 Most Important Question Answer

Q. Narrate the dream of the queen of Pantiyan and her March to king inform the bad dream to king.

  • Ans. The queen tells her dream to her friend. In the dream she saw the 
  • sceptre has fallen down with the umbrella. 
  • She saw that the bell at the palace gate was ringing by itself she also saw that all eight point in compass were shaking. She saw sudden fall of night and the darkness of night have eaten up the Sun. 
  • A very unusual thing that she saw the rainbow in the night. All above happenings are said to be bad omens which are not good for health of the kingdom and the king. Therefore she has decided that she should go to king to inform him the same.

Q. What is the theme of the epic "Silappadikaram-the tale of an anklet".

  • Ans. The Silappadikaram showed that some deep rooted traditions of India that can still be seen today. A main theme in the story is karma which is still a modern principle present in India today. 
  • In the book not only was Kovalan warned about his actions in the present causing bad future karma, the murder he committed in a past life brought him an unfortunate end. 
  • Various other traditions, such as Kannagi and Kovalan's arranged marriage, finding an auspicious day for the ceremony, and consulting astrologers, reflects part of Indian culture that is still prevalent today.
  • Another interesting aspect of the Silappadikaram was the portrayal 
  • of the ideal woman. Throughout the whole story Kannagi proved how pure and true she was. Through her husband's infidelity and misconduct she stayed faithful and chaste. 
  • When Kovalan comes back to her, Kannagi is willing to do anything to help her husband including selling the anklets that were from her mother as a wedding gift. When Kovalan is murdered, Kannagi would have killed herself willingly for her husband immediately if she hadn't had the duty to uphold his honour by clearing his name. 
  • In the end, Kannagi destroys a whole,city for her husband and remained loyal throughout. It is because of this that King Senguttuvan is so impressed by her story that he erects a statue in her honour, making it clear that Kannagi was a version of the ideal woman of that time.

Q. Discuss the features of Akam and Puram poetry with reference to "The Book of Vanci".

  • Ans. Akam and Puram are very old Tamil words. Akam means interior, heart, mind, self, kin, house, family, inland, settlement, earthy, love poems and codes of conduct appropriate to Akam. Puram has opposite qualities to match each of these. Akam (interior) and Puram (Exterior) are not only thematic divisions of the Sangam poems. 
  • They are more than that. The two categories are related to each other by context and by contrast. Akam poems can be red as dramas in miniature' as Parthasarathy says in translation of Silappadikaram. They are monologues or addressed to a particular person or friend or mother. Puram poems are also fragments of stories in the public world.

Q. Describe the demand of justice from king by Kannaki and what was Its result?

  • Ans. Kannagi after seeing the terrible dream and having tears in 
  • her eyes Marched towards the palace gate to seek the justice from the king when she reached towards the palace gate to seek the justice from the king. 
  • When she reached the palace, she called gatekeeper and him as his king has left wisdom and his heart have no power to do justice call that very king of yours that a woman having an anklet from a pair of anklet and who has lost her husband is waiting at the gate and wants to meet him. 
  • The gatekeeper told king that a woman who seems the goddess or victory standing on the buffalo's neck, she stands at the gate, a golden anklet in her hand.
  • When Kannagi met king she told the king had been spotless in his glory 
  • and on many occasion showed kindness and justice.
  • She then narrates the story of her husbands murdered who came to Mathurai in search of living and came to sell her anklet. Then king answered that her husband was thief. Then Kannagi replied that her golden anklet are filled with gems. Then the king replied that his anklet was of pearl. 
  • The moment the Kannagi broke open the anklet a gem. Striked on the face of the king. The king came to know his fault and said that due to his error he failed to protect the innocent and failed in giving the justice. He fell down unconsciously and died the queen also fell and died.

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