


Communication in everyday life- For practice session- semester-1 sol / ncweb / du regular / other

communication in everyday life- For practice session

Q. What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Oral Communication 
or Speech?

Strengths :-

  • Faster and spontaneous Feedback instant Clarification can be asked immediately 
  • Can be used with Non-verbal language communication. 
  • Facilitate to Can be corrected mid-way to take a different approach. 
  • Economical and less time consuming
  • Helps in building interpersonal relationships.

Weaknesses :-

  • Cannot be documented (except electronically) and therefore does not have legal validity.
  • There is limited time for formulation of ideas Success depends on the listening and attentiveness of the decoder.
  • One can get diverted from the topic One needs to have good memory for retention of messages.

Q. What are the aspects that the participant of a GD should keep in mind? 

  • Leadership is a must in a professional world. Leadership does not only mean that one is ahead of the others; 
  • but it suggests how one can accommodate the interests of as many people as possible and steer the boat forward.
  • In a GD, in most cases, the participants would be eager to create the right initiative. 
  • It is true that a leader initiates the discussion. 
  • But along with speaking what you think on the given topic, important to listen to what others have to say about the topic so that discussion continues.
  • In a GD, it is evident that there will be many views which will be diametrically opposite to each other;
  • there may be some participant(s) in a GD who is/are not so vocal as the rest, a leader would also ask for their opinion(s), so as to make them a part of the discussion.
  • In other words, a leader's role in a GD is to control the discussion and give it a direction by accommodating others' views and reach a conclusion.

Q. What are the things should be kept in mind while facing an interview?

(a) As interview is a formal occasion, therefore you must try to put forward attire which is  formal and give a nice impression about you.

(b) It is essential to have the etiquette to wish the people in the interview board / panel and not to do anything that would make them feel that you are rude or over-confident or a fool.

(c) it is a prerequisite that you know your subject well and is able to deliver responses to the questions put forward by the interviewer(s).

(d) Often interviewers ask you questions about your personal life which should be answered tactfully without divulging much of your personal life, and at the same time, by not....

(e) Questions which are of general nature needs to be answered with confidence and it is essential as interviewers try to figure out if you are aware about things apart from your subject.

(f) Your communication should show your confidence and conviction in what you speak.

(g) Your non-verbal cues should match your words and at no time you should show with your gestures or facial expressions that you are getting irritated or bored or aloof to what the interviewers are enquiring about.

(h) Before facing the panelists of an interview for employment, you should ask yourself  hree things which would be helpful in your performance. They are:-

1. Do you know yourself?

2. Do you know about the company/institution?

3. Do you know the Job Profile?

Q. What are the various things we kept in mind while giving the presentation?

In a presentation whether in a classroom or an office or a boardroom, etc, one has to keep in mind various things. They are-

Time Limit:  Usually in a presentation there is a time limit given and one should try to wrap up one's presentation within that time as there should a discussion post-presentation about what you presented.

Prepare yourself by writing:  though in a presentation one speaks as one does in an extempore, but it is to be kept in mind that presentations are to be prepared beforehand and if possible even rehearsed so that you do not miss anything.

Often the framework of the presentation is circulated within the audience so that they are aware of the framework one is following during presentation.

Non-verbal cues are very important during presentations as one's body language, facial expressions, postures, etc. speaks a lot about what one intends to say. The conviction and confidence in what one is saying is brought forward in one's presentation through the body language.

  • It is important often to provide an overview about what you are presenting as it makes it easier for the audience to follow it.. 
  • It is also important that you emphasize what your main points are and where you are digressing as well as give them a summary of your presentation as the end of the talk.
  • A presentation ending with a bang always is significant as it makes the audience have a strong impression about you as well as your presentation.

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