COMMUNICATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE ( Unit – 3 ) Writing skills || SEMESTER – 1


Q. How is writing different from speech?

  • The rules of writing are often different from that of speech
  • Speech is a distinguishing characteristic of every human being
  • We don't need to be literate for speech but in writing it is prerequisite skill.

Q. What is the process you should follow to write a term paper or an assignment?

As writing is a process there for it usually follows a particular sequence.

Prewrite :- is a process which comes before the actual writing begins. One needs to plan or chalk out a rough plan or structure of how one will progress with the process of must ponder over certain significant aspects before one  begin writing they are :-

  • One should figure out the aims and goals of writing.
  • One should gather all the available information and data on the subject one decided to write on. 
  • One should done determine the style that is the way one arranges once what and sentences into a cohesive piece of writing.
  • Moreover while writing an assignment or project there is a deadline that is given to us and we need to plan our writing in such a way so as to meet the deadline.
  • One should limit one self within the word limit.

Wright :- in this phase of writing one should organised the writing in such a manner that it is easily comprehensible their for it is very important to ascertain a logical sequence in writing

Rewrite :- this step requires that one receives the rough draught and edits it revision allows you to perfect your assignment project or any other writing

Q. What are the Ways of writing an introduction?

  • Formulate a question which will evoke readers' interest and engage them. 
  • Provide data, statistics, etc. that will surprise the reader or unsettles their common beliefs
  • Provide an interesting anecdote or story related to the topic 
  • Start with an interesting and relevant quotation 
  • Provide an unusual or unexpected comparison and contrast

Q. What Not to Do in an Introduction?

  • Avoid stereotypes, clichés, jargons and boring constructions
  • Avoid dictionary and encyclopaedia definitions if possible and explain in your own words.
  • Avoid writing the introduction till you have finished writing the draft. 

Q. Techniques of Note-Making or How to make notes?

  • The first significant thing about Note-making is that the reader should read or go through the reading or the passage very carefully and try to figure out the key ideas, main theme, 
  • The Note-maker should them put the main idea of the passage as heading of the passage - the heading should be short and easy to understand (usually of three to four words) and usually written on the top middle of the page. 
  • Under the heading of the passage, the sub-headings should come in. 
  • Once we are through with the subheading it is essential to write the points under each subheading which goes on in support/ against/ to uphold/ to argue in favour or against/ to provide the details/ etc. 

Other significant things 

  • There is no need to write full sentences in Note-making – 
  • Abbreviations should be used as much as possible. 
  • (and a list of abbreviations should be provided at the end of Note-Making for other readers)

Q. What is paraphrasing and summarising?

  • Paraphrasing means changing the words in which something 
  • you have read has been expressed. 
  • The result of paraphrasing should be significantly different from the original source, so that as far as the expression goes, it counts as your original writing.
  • Summarizing means giving a brief statement of the main points of a text, in one's own words. 
  • while maintaining the meaning of the original.

Q. What steps should you follow in both Paraphrasing and Summarizing activities?

  • Read the original text for a cursory reading. The second reading can be specific and close, looking for better understanding of the text. 
  • You can underline the main thoughts. Also mark the supporting arguments.
  • Make note of the important points. While making notes try not to copy words from the original until there is no substitute for them.
  • Now keep aside the original matter and write on all the important points of the original in your own language
  • Compare your version with the original to see whether all important points have been included.
  • If you find any unique word in the original which you wish to retain, then you can also use it in quotes to show the borrowing from the original.


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