Level Of Communication

We Live In A Society Where Without Communicating We Cannot Think Of Forming Relationship To Understand Oneself, Understand Others As Well As To Developed Our Understanding Of The Society. It Is Essential That We Theoretically Understand The Different Kind Of Communication That We Engage In Our Everyday Life To Make Our Life Worth Living.





1. Extrapersonal Communication

Human Beings Interact With Non-human Entities We Often Communicate With Our Pets Which Can Be Termed As Extra Personal Communication .इसके अंतर्गत मनुष्य अन्य जीवो के साथ सम्प्रेषण करता है जैसे पालतू जानवरों के साथ कुता, बिल्ली ,गाय इत्यादि यह सम्प्रेषण EXTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION कहलाता है |

2. Intrapersonal Communication 

When We Are Communicate With Ourselves Which We Often Do Various Reasons जब हम अपने आप से बात करते है जोकि हम बहुत बार व कई कारणों से करते है तो वह INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION कहलाता है |

Interpersonal Communication Refers To All Communications That We Share With Other Human Beings

3. Organizational Communication

Communication That Happens Within An Organisation Is Termed And As Organisation Communication There Are Three Types Of Communication In Organization Internal Operational, External Operational,personal. 

4. Mass Communication

When The Communication Is With The Large Audience Than It Is Termed As Mass Communication Medium Like Newspaper, Magazine Journal Books ,Audio Visual Mediums Like TV, Radio, Internet Etc Are Used To Communicate With The Mass Even Musical And Theatrical Performances Cinemas It Is Are Forms Of Mass Communication.

FORMAL COMMUNICATION  (औपचारिक सम्प्रेषण )

In Formal Communication Certain Rules Conventions And Principles Are Followed While Communicating Message Formal Communication Occurs In Formal And Official Style Usually Professional Settings, Corporate Meetings, Conference Undergoes In Formal Patterns.

Formal Communication Is Known As Official Communication Formal Communication Is Used For Serious And Official PurposeFor Example Debate ,Discussion, Lecturer, Interview, Seminar Speech, Meeting Presentations Public Speaking, Press Briefing Etc

INFORMAL COMMUNICATION  ( अनौपचारिक सम्प्रेषण )

Informal Communication Is Natural And Free Flowing Communication Without Any Rules Restrictions And Formality It Reflects Personal Touch Humanity And Emotions It Can Be Casual Conservation It Happens Among Friends And Family In Informal Communication Use Of Slang Word,foul Language Is Not Restricted

Informal Communication Includes All The Communication That We Do Either In a Professional Setup Or In A Social Setup Without Any Serious Purpose Attached Do It For Example Casual Greetings Or Private Conservation, Chatting, Gossips Etc.


Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally, communication is done by words of mouth and a piece of writing. verbal communication is any communication that use language.

verbal communication is further divided into

1. Oral communication मोखिक 

Oral communication in oral communication spoken words are used it 
include face to face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television voice over internet . in oral communication communication is influenced by pitch volume speed and clarity of speaking.

Advantage of oral communication

  • It brings quick feedback.
  • In a face to face conversation by reading facial expression and body language one
  • can guess whether he or she should trust what's being said or not.

Disadvantage of oral communication

  • In a  face to face discussion user is unable to deeply think about what he is delivering

Written communication

In written communication written singh or symbols and vocabulary and 
grammar are used to communicate. written message may be printed or hand written. in written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, eport ,memo,job description,faxes, advertisement,news paper, etc

Advantage of written communication

  • Messagecan be edited and revised many time before they are actually sent. 
  • written communication provides a record for every message sent and can be saved for later study . 
  • written message unable to receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate feedback. 

Disadvantage of written communication

  • It doesn't bring instant feedback
  • it take more time in composing.

Non verbal communication ( गैर मोखिक सम्प्रेषण )

Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. we can say that communication other than oral and written such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expression is  non verbal communication. nonverbal communication is all about the body language of Speaker.

Non verbal cues are


Kinesics is the study of body's physical movement for the purpose of  communication in this our body communicate without words through various moments of its parts. for example nodding once had to communicate acceptance

Personal Appearance : our first impression matters a lot, before someone starts communicating others from an opinion about her or him just by receiving how the person has tried to present herself/ himself appearance includes cloth wear accessories and cosmetics.

Posture : refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand sit walk talk or choose not to talk our posture change according to circumstances when one is nervous one usually starts fidgeting with something aur the other like mobile Phones.

Gestures : gestures are movements made by hand, head or face appropriate gesture supplement verbal communication and are also communication in their own right.

Facial expressions : facial expressions communicate to the receiver the intent of the message.

Eye contact : often our eyes communicate better than the words words become more powerful when the speaker makes eye contact with the listener of the message


The study of physical space in interpersonal relations is cold Proxemics. Space or lack of it between the sender and the receiver of the message also speak volumeintimate zone extend just of 18 inch members of family, Lover, spouse, relatives and parents usually communicate in this zone.personal zone stretch from 18 inch to 4 feet close friends colleagues communicate in this zoneSocial zone is in the radius of 4 feet to 12 feet in this zone relationship are more formal and official for example interviewPublic zone starts from 12 feet and many extend 25 feet all to the range of eyesight and hearing events are formal in this zone for example public meeting


The study of the use of time to communicate is known as Chronemics. in the professional world time is a valuable resource when we are late for an appointment people react negatively if we are arrived early we are consider over eager


language of touch we also communicate with our sense of touch which is known as haptics.the way we communicate by our physical contact or by touching the other person is known as haptics. kissing, slapping or shaking hands are ways of hapticsParalanguage is the way meaning is conveyed by how we say things while peaking.Volume, variation,Speed of speaking,Pause,Word stress,Inflections Sign language refers to symbols which are commonly used within a particular community or communicative group to mean something that is constant for all the members of that community for example traffic signals are science or symbols that we are common all over the world.Other examples of signs are road Signals, graphics, maps, alarm,sirenc etc Audio sign,Visual sign,Audio visual sign.

Meaning Of Barriers

The objective of communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. when we talk to others we assume that others understand what we are saying because we know what we are saying but this is not possible always, people bring their own attitude, Perception, emotions and thoughts about the topic which creates barrier to delivering the right meaning

Types of Barrier

Channel Noise 

When There Is Any Unwanted Interference Or Snag In The Medium Of Communication Process It Turned As Channel Noise. For Example Noisy Market Place, Illegible Handwriting Can Be Termed As Channel Noise In Both Cases The Factors That Create Communication  Failure.

Channel Noise Are

  • Physical Noise
  • Use Of Inappropriate Media
  • Information Overloaded
  • Fear Of Superiors
  • Lack Of Basic Communication Skill
  • Communication Selectivity
  • Poor Listening

Semantic Noise

Semantic Noise Can Be Defined As Noise Or Barrier That Is Generated From Within A Message. sometimes Meaning Of Word Is Not Always State Directly And Can Also Be Implied therefore The Communication Process Fails. Many Times As The Same Words Is Interrupt Differently By Different People For Example If Someone Says That “The Bark Is Strong “Then The Meaning Of The Sentence Will Depend On The Context In  Which It Is Spoken In One Context It May Mean A Dogs Bark And In Another The Bark Of A Tree.

Semantic Noise are

  • Limited Vocabulary . 
  • Incomplete formal and informal language.
  • Insufficient Knowledge Of The Subject.  
  • Lack of interest. 
  • Blocked Categories.
  • Emotional interference.

Strategies To Overcome Barriers To Communication or you can say 7c strategies

  • COMPLETENESS पूर्णता
  • CONCISENESS संशिप्ता
  • CLARITY स्पष्टता
  • CONCRETNESS सामंजस्य
  • COURTESY शिष्टाचार
  • COURTESY शिष्टाचार

Meaning of listening 

It Is Important To Speak Well, But It Is More Significant To Be A Good Listener. Listening Is Not The Same As Hearing. We Hear Many Sounds Coming To Us From Various Corners, But We Do Not Bother To Fathom The Significance Of All Those Sounds. It Is Important To Listen Carefully As It Is The First Step Towards Being A Better Communicator. When One Is Listening Carefully, One Communicates The Message That S/He Is Serious.

There are many kinds of listening

Evaluative listening  : While listening to the arguments in a Board meeting, the directors of a company evaluate the arguments of the peaker while listening; it can be called evaluative listening.

Discriminative listening : Suppose in the Annual Dinner of a company  the Director is chatting with all the staff of the organization informally,  where some are listening to what he is saying while others are busy with their own discussions. This can be an example of discriminative listening.

Appreciative listening : When one listens with a kind of appreciation for what is spoken,it is called appreciative listening. For example, if someone is presenting the Financial  report of a company and people are nodding heads in appreciation, it can be an example of Appreciative listening.

Emphatic/Empathetic listening : When one listens to the speaker with  empathy or sympathy, then it is called Emphatic Listening. For example, if in a negotiation, one party is presenting her/his point of view and the other party sympathizes with her/his point of view, then it can be called Emphatic listening.

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